3DWorld (41/293)

From:Mark Olsen
Date:6 Apr 2000 at 22:41:26
Subject:Re: Problem with Warp3D in a window

Hello Jacek

On 06-Apr-00, you wrote:

>>> AB> ps how do i make a 32bit workbench?
>>> Open 24bit screen with tooltype PACKED24 set to NO.
>> surely that will just open up a plain and native 24bit screen?
> Internal representation will be 32bit. However AmigaOS supports only
> 24bits. Remaining 8bits is an alpha-channel.

No system can display 32bit, as you say, the last(or first, depending on how
you cound). The last 24 bits are split up into 3*8 bits, for the red, green
and blue colors. And AmigaOS does only support 8bit, btw. Its
Cybergraphics/Picasso/whateverrtgsoftwareyourun that makes it possible by
patching system functions. And all calls in cybergraphics.library that uses a
colorcode as a direct argument, supports all 32 bits. Ie, it is possible to
clear the screen with alpha value $23, if that is what you want.
